
Fantasy Creatures

The Stranger

Near the end of my Bachelor studies, there was a new functionality in Blender. A few tests later, a creature was sitting on my screen and insisted on taking on a life of its own.

Since then, The Stranger has been by my side whenever there are new creative techniques to try out. While he is slowly but steadily taking over the majority of my life, the others of his kind are on their way to conquer other people's hearts.


I started coding my own virtual pet in the ninth grade. It was around that time when I realized that I wanted to do something like that for a living. By now, I am working on a remake in VR.

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Xu Mil Rha

A slightly misshapen horse doodle turned into one of the characters that I have drawn most frequently.

Worlds and Stories

The Kaleidoscope System

As a Teenager, I wanted to develop my own video game. By now, this project has evolved into a vast world where more than one story is waiting to be told.

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The Kingslayer Saga

Near the end of 2022, I ordered a character design from an artist friend. At the beginning of 2023, we kept hyping each other up during the drawing process and ended up with a gang of five. Now there are plans for an epic story involving both of our worlds.

Fan Art

Shepard's Flock

What happens when the brain is stuck in the Mass Effect universe and thinks too much about the lyrics of Christmas carols? In my case, additional figurines for the nativity display.

Shard Doctors

As a good Whovian, I obviously had to apply my shard style to the Doctor one day.

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